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God's GPS

God's Positioning System offers practical training for families in Anger Management, Conflict Resolution and Communication. With the understanding that God delivers, we partner with Him and Holy Spirit to equip our participants with the skills to successfully navigate through life and the challenges that mismanaged conflict and communication can bring. 


Moheen has experienced firsthand the habit many believers have of taking certain traits and believing that Christ would magically take it away. However the bible states in James 2:17 that “faith without works is dead". Therefore if there is a trait, such as anger that I am struggling with, I pray to God for deliverance and once I believe I am delivered, I then have to work it out. I do that by implementing ways of effectively dealing with my anger and managing conflict with the assistance of Holy Spirit.


Once you have accepted Christ, there is still quite a bit of work to be done by a believer and a long process to getting the flesh under subjection to the Holy Spirit. After witnessing many times, Christians getting angry and reacting in a less than Christ-like manner followed with a shrug of "that's just who In am" or "Christ knows my heart and is working on me", fueled Moheen to begin creating curriculum that addresses anger, conflict resolution, communication and cultural sensitivity with Christian content.


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Sessions can vary from a few hours to a weekend retreat and are customized to meet the needs of your community. 

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